
Showing posts from 2017


Had my own share of battles And I thank God I came out strong Life deals its blows and blessings You just have to take it all in your stride Never get bitter about any of the experience 'Cos it will do you no good Come out singing and praising 'Cos God will bless you more The good thing about it all is it must come So long you are living battles must come Challenges must be faced Only the dead are void of the battles of life.
What is in a name? OPPORTUNITYISNOWHERE  What do you see above? I know some of you will see 'Opportunity is no where' Others will see 'Opportunity is now here'. Your perception is your reality. The past is for reference not for residence. Be the change you want. Change is usually forced on you. There are moments in our lives we will need someone to get across the line. Where was I 24 years ago, what was I doing? We are by nature agents of change. Change means you have to let go of the past and hold on to the things working in your present. Four major reactions to changes- Reject it. Resist it. Reflect on it. Resolve it. You get credibility from qualification and experience. Trust is very hard to develop and very easily lost. Intimacy is about asking hard questions.

My Testimony

It was when I was a teenager about 14/15 years old. I do attend church very regularly because my mom and grandparents did so. And it was the right thing to do. I became sick very sick. The doctors diagnosed pneumonia it was a horrible experience for me . My final junior exams were coming up and I did not want to fail my exams and repeat the class. I was desperate and sick. I prayed and prayed to God for healing. One of the hospitals where I was admitted the doctor told me that my case was very peculiar. He said medically they have done all they can do for the diagnosed illness and it is expected to improve but mine has not. He told me however there is a doctor above all doctors who can solve my problem and if I want he will introduce me to the doctor. I said I am interested he introduced me to Jesus and asked will I like to give my life to Christ I said yes. And that was when my personal christian journey started I wanted to know God for myself and ...

How do you want to be remembered?

I was thinking about it today if I die today what will I be remembered for? I pray that i will be remeberd for good things. With the help of God i want to be an individual that impacts positively in the lives of people. Whether it being a good daughter to my parents,a good sibling or a good friend. I want to make a positive impact. And more especially as a christian spread the gospel around the world be impactful in such a way a lives in Asia,Africa,Europe and the rest of the world will sense I came through this planet. And all these can only be done by the help of the Almighty God who is the creator of the heavens and the earth. In whom I live and have my being. In the words of Myles Munroe I want to die empty and which I believe he did by the time he left here he had fulfilled his destiny.I want to do same. I want when I am set to leave earth I will say like Apostle Paul in 2Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race and I have kept the f...

The State of Undress in the Church Today

My last post was on the above topic and talked about the undress of young women in the church and on how our mothers then handled it. I continue on that topic today because of the present sense of dressing in our churches. I see women dressed like they are going to the club and when presented on the way they look they say oh God is looking at the heart ONLY. And that makes me wonder in which planet are these ones functioning from because I know when you are going for an interview you present yourself a certain way when you are invited to see certain human personalities you dress sensibly. Why is it when you are coming before the Almighty creator of heaven and earth you want to dress as a prostitute and give the excuse He only looks at the heart. We have lost our common sense when we make such statements. For I know that when you work in the government parastatals banking industry and many others you are required to dress formally and not wearing tight short skirts. You ar...
                                        THE STATE OF UNDRESS IN CHURCH Back in the days in Africa in the 80's and 90's I remember how it was taboo for females to wear trousers to church. It was just not allowed. If a female wore a short skirt a mother would offer her wrapper to cover (some africans wear double wrapper) .Ladies who put on lipsticks where considered prostitutes so not allowed to take communion at all. Covering the hair with scarfs and hats where just very compulsory because your hair must be covered in the house of God. Then I could not fathom why things like that were done. Today I am much older I do really appreciate the lessons in dressing. If I can I will go back to that time and say thank you to all those mothers at the time I thought were busy bodies. Thank you to all those grannies that gave us bad looks when we sat carelessly opening our legs to show our pan...

Favour Passages

Scriptures where God was in favour with some one. Genesis 4:4 The Lord looked with favour on Abel and his offering. Genesis 6:8 But Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord Genesis 18:3....If I have found favour in your eyes,my Lord do not pass..... Genesis 19:19 Your servant has found favour in your eyes.... Genesis 39:21 the Lord was with him;He showed him kindness and granted him favour Genesis 39:3,23 The Lord gave him success Genesis 47:25b May we find favour in your eyes..... Genesis 50:4b if I have found favour in your eyes... Exodus 11:3 The Lord made the Egyptians favourably disposed... Exodus 12:36 The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed The list is not exhausted please go to the Bible you will get more. God bless you all. Prayer: Oh Lord I hand over these readers to your mighty hand grant them favour as they seek your face in Jesus name amen.
           LOVE L - leave O - ourselves V - vunerable E - everytime The above word is a four letter word but its deep in its meaning. The Holy bible makes us to understand that love is not when you open up to only family and friends but it is actually when you open up to people who hate you. People who are bent on and determined to destroy and kill you you. Whenever you have a soft spot for such a person then you have grasped the concept of love. When you love, you are not supposed to put conditions to it such as one has to be good, has to buy me things,be handsome or beautiful,be intelligent. Oh no!none of that I am just required to love everyone. Having said the above please I must explain that loving everyone does not mean I have to like everyone. I can love you but not hang around you all the time. Love means I have to treat you as good as I treat myself. Like means I admire you and want to hang out or around you. Prayer ; Father in the na...