Prayer: I pray for you today that every suffering you and your family are going through because of your disobedience or mistake which is causing the enemy to have an upper hand in your life, the Lord Almighty shall looked down on you in His mercy, forgive and turn things around for your good in the name of Jesus……Amen!! One lesson from God’s dealings with Pharaoh and the Egyptians is the consequences of disobedience of man. Sin has wide spread consequence. God told Pharaoh to release the children of Israel whom he had enslaved for 430 years but he refused. When the judgement on his defiance came, it affected all of Egypt – men, beast, vegetation; even the sun shining upon the land was affected. One man sinned but a whole nation suffered for it. That was in a nation that did not know God. What about a godly nation? In 2 Samuel 24: 1-17, after David regained his throne and was established, he forgot he got there by God’s power and so requested a census of his peop...